Urinary tract infections Respiratory tract infections Streptococcus Staphylococcus Athlete’s foot [...]
Opium Lettuce
2022-10-24T12:57:55-06:00Whooping cough Mucous inflammations of the bronchial tract Asthma Urinary [...]
Euphorbia Hirta
2022-10-24T13:01:39-06:00Treats asthma and bronchial infection, cough and throat spasms. (It [...]
Garlic Tincture
2022-10-24T14:04:17-06:00Antithrombotic (reduces the formation of blood clots). Antioxidant herb to [...]
Thieves Roll on
2022-10-24T14:06:09-06:00Boosts immune system Antimicrobial Helps sinus congestion Promotes respiratory & [...]