Lugol’s Iodine contains iodine and potassium iodide. It is used along with antithyroid medicines to prepare the thyroid gland for surgical removal and to treat certain overactive thyroid conditions (hyperthyroidism, thyroid storm). It works by shrinking the size of the thyroid gland and by decreasing the number of thyroid hormones the body makes. Lugol’s iodine may also be used to protect the thyroid gland after radioactive iodine treatment or in a radiation exposure emergency. In such cases, this product blocks the thyroid gland from absorbing radioactive iodine, protecting it from damage and reducing the risk of thyroid cancer. In a radiation exposure emergency, use Lugol’s iodine along with other emergency measures that will be recommended to you by public health and safety officials (such as finding safe shelter, evacuation, controlling food supply). Lugol’s iodine may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor (such as treatment of iodine deficiency).

read more about below

Slows the Uptake of Goitrogenic Halogens

Goitrogens are environmental, dietary, or medicinal toxins that are known to disrupt the thyroid’s ability to function normally. Goitrogens prevent the thyroid from taking up iodine — which is essential to produce thyroid hormones. Halogens like bromine, chlorine, and fluorine are all chemically similar to iodine, and as a result, are readily taken up by the thyroid unless you ensure you are consuming enough iodine to saturate the thyroid. Lugol’s iodine can aid in detoxification by eliminating these halogens from the body, and by slowing the body’s uptake of these potentially toxic halogens by keeping the thyroid saturated with iodine.

Goitrogens are found in some grains (especially bread, which is high in bromine), cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, and kale, cassava, coconut, and soy. Other dietary sources like sports drinks, soda, and processed vegetable oil may also contain goitrogens.

Helps Weight Loss

Because of mild or even severe iodine deficiency, some people have low energy and a slow metabolism, which leads to weight gain. Iodine deficiency is sometimes connected with hypothyroidism, which is the underperformance of the thyroid gland, or hyperthyroidism, the over-functioning of the gland (which causes weight loss). Find out if you are iodine-deficient, and then boost your iodine levels to help balance out your hormone levels, stimulate normal metabolism, and improve endocrine gland function.

Supports Mental Wellness

The developing fetus requires iodine for proper growth. In fact, iodine deficiency is the number one cause of preventable mental disabilities around the world. Iodine continues to support brain function during childhood when the brain is rapidly growing, and throughout life — improving mood, reducing brain fog, and balancing hormones.

Boosts Immunity & Resists Harmful Organisms

Medical practitioners have used Iodine as an antiseptic for hundreds of years. It is applied topically on the skin to prevent infections and internally to deter harmful organisms. It also acts as an antioxidant, scavenging or counteracting the effects of free radicals that can otherwise cause oxidative cell damage. In these ways, iodine boosts the immune system.

Is Lugol’s Iodine Safe?

Yes, Lugol’s iodine is safe for most people. If you have thyroid conditions or other health ailments, please check with your healthcare provider before taking supplemental iodine. Although side effects are rare, some people report minor concerns like a metallic taste in the mouth, a burning sensation, nausea, headache, or diarrhea. Iodine is safe for pregnant women and essential for the development of the unborn child. Pregnant and nursing women should increase their iodine intake to ensure enough for themselves as well as their child.

When you buy a supplement, pay careful attention to the ingredients in tap water, household cleaners, hygiene products, and even skincare products and cosmetics. These are common sources of toxic ingredients, many of which can prevent the thyroid from functioning properly.

Iodine fulfills a vital function in the body yet must be obtained from outside sources such as seaweed or iodine supplements. Nascent iodine is a highly energized, pure form of iodine ions that is readily absorbed by the body. The thyroid gland takes up nascent iodine and creates thyroid hormones T3 and T4. Iodine is also taken up in breast tissue.

Dosage and time of day to take:

How to use LUGOL’s

Take this medication by mouth as directed. Use the dropper that comes with the bottle to measure the correct dose. To improve the taste, mix the dose in a full glass (8 ounces or 240 milliliters) of water, milk, formula, or juice before taking. To decrease stomach upset, take this medication after meals or with food.

Dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment. Do not increase your dose, take it more often, or take it for longer than prescribed or recommended because of the increased risk of side effects.

In a radiation emergency, take this drug only when public health and safety officials tell you to do so. Start treatment as soon as possible for the best protection. The length of treatment will be determined by public health and safety officials.

If so directed, use this medication regularly to get the most benefit from it. To help you remember, take it at the same time(s) each day.

The WHO recommends a daily intake of 150 micrograms (3 drops) per day for adults and 600 micrograms (6 drops) a day during pregnancy. Do not exceed recommended daily dose.  Iodine is safe for children over 18 months of 50 micrograms per day (1 drop) It is not recommended for babies as their thyroids are still developing up to the 1st year.


The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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